The Weekend: December 5-6, 2020

It’s the end of the week and since I have nothing clever to start with, let’s see what happened in this week’s Gibberish. It wasn’t a particularly substantial week by my own admission. Hell, Tuesday was just thrown together to get something in before midnight. There was a little more to Thursday’s offer. We’re a month out from the election and Joe Biden legitimately winning one of the biggest victories since Reagan wiped out Mondal in ’84. However, the Base still refuses to accept that over 81 million of their fellow Americans rightfully loathed their Crybaby Messiah enough to vote against him.

Not to belabor a point but more people hate his guts or don’t particularly care one way or another than worship him as the Base does. I sincerely believe they love him more than they hate anyone on the left, which has basically been redefined now as “anyone who doesn’t worship Trump.” Gov. Brian Kemp’s a RINO now. The Secretary of State of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, is getting death threats from Trump supports because he won’t overturn the election in his favor yet he still supports the criminal David Perdue and the sleazy Kelly Loeffler without hesitation. He, however, is a RINO.

Anyhow. Enough of that. The only thing I really dipped into Saturday worth mentioning was a quick look at all the opprobrious comments Glenn Greenwald’s getting these days from the left. Well, liberals and some of the left, I guess. A lot of the hardcore soi-disant “leftists” are still down, but the rest seem to be tired of his nonstop tetchiness whenever someone doesn’t dig on his “Democrats and Democrats alone are the source of evils in the world” stroke. Apparently, he’s even going after Bernie Sanders for not acknowledging the “Deep State” “stole” the election from him.

Again, I don’t have a dog in that hunt. For me, Glenn does journalism like a lawyer would because that’s what he was before he got disbarred for wiretapping witnesses. He decides something, looks for evidence to support that supposition, and ignores or downplays anything that doesn’t. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, and if he were a better writer I might could get past it, but he’s not so I can’t.

Enough of that. Speaking of the two sitting senators from Georgia, Loeffler is debating Raphael Warnock and apparently there’s a glitch in her programming. She keeps saying he’s a “radical liberal” every time she addresses him. It’s not only tedious and a sign of how little effort she’s putting into this, it’s also goddamn silly. A “radical liberal” is like saying a “radical centrist,” it’s a contradiction in terms and a fine example of how braindead American political discourse is. From what Twitter’s saying, Warnock’s coming off as more genuine while at the same time “Stepford” (as in the robot wives) is trending, and don’t that just say it all.

Jon Ossoff is debating an empty lectern because Perdue was too gutless to show. As I noted in Friday’s deep dive of the MORE Act and its potential, there are so many reasons why it’d be better for humanity if Ossoff and Warnock won next month. But the main reason is I don’t know of two more detestable human beings representing one state in the Senate. A lot of folks are as bad as both all by themselves, but that’s different.

What else. Oh, here’s a good one. After a week of thoroughly entertaining the nation with his farcical “hearings” about the election, completely with besotted loons spilling conspiracy theories and passing wind, apparently America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani has tested positive for COVID-19. This follows a week of being in close contact with a bunch of dingbats who don’t think something that’s killed 250,000 people and isn’t slowing down is that big a deal. We hear at Enon Holler World Productions aren’t vindictive and wish the greasy old bastard a speedy recovery.

But beyond that, fuck him and feed him Corn Flakes. However, it should be noted this news comes from Donald Trump and you can’t trust a word that bastard says. He’d climb a tree to tell a lie when he could stand on the ground and tell the truth.

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