Wednesday, August 18, 2021

We’re all still absorbing President Joe Biden’s action to officially pull the U.S. military out of the 20-year morass that’s been our involvement in Afghanistan. In a stunning reversal of opinion that shocked everyone, mainstream Republicans took less than 48 hours to go from outrage at Biden abandoning the Afghan people to screeching in horror at the idea of taking any refugees from that country, whether they helped the U.S. military or not.

And by “stunning,” I of course mean completely predictable like the Sun rising in the east each morning and sitting in the west each evening. One of the nifty things about living in a post-Twitter world is it used to take a week for that sort of rancid hypocrisy to reveal itself. One has to admit, it does save time.

That all being said, not all members of the GOP are being shitasses about this. The stars must’ve aligned in some way because Georgia Governor and crooked bastard Brian Kemp offered his welcome to any refugees seeking freedom at the same time South Dakota Governor and future eight-place finisher in the 2024 GOP nomination Kristie Noem was going full John Birch. Of course, this means Kemp is a RINO and a full-blown leftist plant from the Deep State, but what are you gonna do.

We’re getting conflicting reports about the refugee situation in Afghanistan. The American press is reminding everyone of their throbbing war boner, the very thing that helped get the damn thing started two decades ago, so they’re still more concerned about how weak this makes Biden look to dictators. Seriously, they’re digging up complete garbage like John Bolton because that guy needs another 15 minutes. In any event, things are looking somewhat positive at the moment. People are still flooding in, but it seems if one can get to the capitol in Kabul, they have a better than average chance of bouncing on out of there.

Watching the Taliban deal with the press has been sort of interesting. When someone asked a spokesperson about free speech in the new Afghanistan, he turned around and fired shots at social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. Someone’s been paying attention to the trends in modern governance. They’ve also claimed they’ll be supportive of the rights women in Afghanistan have achieved in the past 20 years, but time will tell. No one is really taking them in complete good faith, and no one can blame them.

Former President Ashraf Ghani split the first chance he got but he’s since shown up in the United Arab Emirates, a man on the run. One’s sympathy is lessened when we hear that he was able to take $169 million of the country’s money with him. He actually left God knows how much more on the tarmac in Kabul because that was all he could fit in his getaway copter. Amazing that government folded like a cheap suit, isn’t it?

Moving on, also to the surprise of no one that’s honest with reality, the Delta variant of COVID-19 is still kicking the shit out of the U.S., particularly the South. We’re averaging around 3,500 a day here in Mississippi and we’re one of the five states with 90% capacity with ICU beds. Places like Tampa are so full and telling folks not to call 9/11 unless it’s an emergency. Almost six thousand Mississippians have been diagnosed with COVID and something like 20,000 students across the state are in quarantine. That’s almost 5% of the student population.

We’ve opened a second field hospital, this one also on the University of Mississippi campus. Fittingly, it’s on the state’s only children’s hospital. Lawmakers are calling for a special session to get the $1.8 billion in federal funds to the people of Mississippi, and Tate Reeves is still being a dick about all this so who knows. To end on an amusing note, one of COVID’s greatest champions, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, has in fact come down with it. Of course, he got vaccinated, and he also got a dose of that Regeneron he and fellow plague druid Ron DeSantis of Florida have been championing. While it’s funny this asshole got the bug he’s using to make a pile of Texan corpses in his climb to the White House, what’s funnier is major campaign sugar daddies to each man have some cash invested in the company that makes Regeneron.

To be completely fair, there really doesn’t seem to be anything hinky about this – not like Rand Paul’s wife – and the Regeneron does seem to be effective when used with patients who’ve caught COVID. I just think it’s darkly amusing that such a blatant exercise in the power money has in politics is just sort of going on as things work.

Ain’t that America?

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