Friday, August 21, 2020

I honestly meant to get back on the proper track, really I did. However, I doubt anyone’s all that surprised that I didn’t. Ah, well. It’s just been one of those weeks. In any event, let’s tie it off with a wrap-up before we head to the weekend. Before I start, though, I will say I do not care for this new WordPress set up. I don’t like the new one at Blogger, either. That isn’t news, of course, just me complaining.

Anyhow. The Democratic National Convention wrapped up last night. By all accounts, Joe Biden gave a ringer-dinger of a speech. It was so good, in fact, that it made everyone forget that the Democrats still can’t seem to scrape Bill Clinton off their collective shoe. It’s been 20 years since that guy was relevant and I don’t care what you think of him, the party should’ve have moved past a guy who’s not really don’t anything.

Back on topic, Biden’s speech was so good, apparently, it got kudos from Fox News natterers just after the speech. Last night, anyway. They’ve pivoted to say “Well, he can read off a teleprompter, but…” as if there’s been a president in the past century that hasn’t used notes of some kind for a big-time speech. I’m not sure how it’s played with the seven or eight people who are still trying to get people to believe they’re undecided, but it seems to have energized the Democratic base. It’s also turned the heads of not-a-few Republicans embarrassed the short-fingered vulgarian they let run their party is screwing up the game for everyone else.

It’s got up Trump’s nose, as well, and he’s already had a rotten week. His former guru Steve Bannon plead not guilty to charges of fraud, but he’s also telling anyone who’ll listen that he’s been in contact with Trump for the “past few months“. Trump, of course, denies he’s been anything but a perfect angel when it might get him in trouble. However, more and more of his former cronies are dropping a dime on him. This story has legs, so it’s going to need a bit of time to run.

One way you can tell Trump’s bowels are loosening over the possibility a Biden victory would leave him vulnerable to prosecution is the pledge to send “sheriffs” and “law enforcement” to polling places to “protect” the vote from “tampering.” Sure. This seems to be tied into “Operation: Legend” where he was sending federal troops to places like Chicago and Minneapolis to “deal with the violence” from protesters. Except for the faithful Base, though, this all turned out to be a bust for him as the whole “send federal bully boys to crack heads in cities and states not toeing the line” doesn’t really swing with the whole “small government” thing.

In any event, the eggheads and double domes say he really can’t just order the fuzz around like that, especially elected sheriffs. Doesn’t mean he won’t try, of course, nor does it mean the multiple cases of right-wing dingbats sporting tin stars and a bloated equipment budget won’t do it “for freedom.” Nor does it mean the mouth breathers who think he’s God’s favorite son won’t cheer like trained seals for that boot to come down on their necks. Again, time will tell.

There. That’s good enough for now. There are other things happening of note this week – notably two possible storm systems headed for the Gulf of Mexico at the same time – but I haven’t been paying attention. The Republicans hold their nominating convention next week and it’ll be interesting to see what changes they will have made in light of what seems to be a front-to-back grand slam from the Democrats. I won’t be watching that, either, mind, but the actual convention part has never been what interested me.

Have a nice weekend.

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